The PROFILOR® Family of 360 Instruments

The PROFILOR® Family of 360 Instruments

Develop talent and build a stronger workforce.

Develop talent and build a stronger workforce. The PROFILOR® Family of 360 Instruments are the most widely used multi-rater assessments for individual and organization development. Researched-based and relevant to the demands of today’s global workforce, measure the competencies and behaviors critical for success. Both individuals and organizations benefit from the insights and can take action on their development journey.


The nine PROFILOR® models provide your company with a collection of assessments to meet a variety of business needs including skill building, coaching, and succession planning. The most popular PROFILOR® models are available in 11 languages, include global norms, and have development suggestions to jumpstart learning.


Development isn’t an event, it’s a journey. The PROFILOR® Development Series provides tools to create insight, prioritize development, and facilitate action. Invest in the future with The PROFILOR® Development Series and build a more productive workforce and greater organizational success.

THE PROFILOR® Progress Check

An automated, system generated, email invitation is sent to participants 6 months after the baseline 360 administration. As a follow up to The PROFILOR® 360 feedback, The PROFILOR® Progress Check is a 360 that gathers information on up to 10 items that an individual selects as their development priorities. Measuring both development effort and level of improvement, Progress Check lets a person know if their development efforts are recognized by colleagues and if they are improving. Progress Check helps individuals stay on track, make course corrections, and celebrate success in their development journey.

Customizing THE PROFILOR® 360

Already invested in a competency model but need to create a 360 assessment? The PROFILOR® is easily customizable to align with your competencies.

Business Unit Leader Example

Program Options

Tap/hover below to learn more:

The Learning Edge Facilitation
Certifying In-House Facilitators
Open Enrolment
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